
Showing posts from February, 2020



semester reflection reflection

I am going to manage time better. I plan to start projects when they are assigned so I have more time to work on them. I am going to be more confident and try experimenting with more Photoshop tools.  I could also probably go further than what is asked. I probably rate myself like a D. I haven't really improved on my time management. I have though taken more than 24 photos which is an improvement. I still don't start the assignments right away however.

forced perspective


letter to past

Dear Past Me, To be a successful in the Creative photography class you need to be essential that: creative. This shouldn't be a problem however since I recall as a child I was very creative. You need to look outside the box and do things outside of the norm, don't be mainstream. Remember your first idea is probably a lot of other people's first ideas too so I wouldn't recommend doing that. You need to take multiple shots at multiple angles. Try adjusting the lighting maybe. You should always give 100% of your effort and really give it your all. You should look at this class as an opportunity to learn and expand your skills instead of a class where you can turn in assignments that show no effort and pass. So far my favorite image I've done would probably have to be my restoration picture. I'm not finished with it, I'm about 3/4 done. It's incredible how you can take an old, stained, black and white photo and turn it into something vibrant and full of li

the importance of art

I think tax dollars should be used on art and theater classes in school. School already as it is stressful and being honest not very pleasant to attend. I think these classes are a nice break between your stressful core classes if one chooses to take them, because not everyone does. Creative classes are a great way to express yourself and a lot of people discover their talent in these classes and turn it into careers.  School already teaches us the classes we need for life so if it was just those classes our life would consist of preparing you for the work force and them working until you can't because of old age. The classes do a lot for the school in regards to school spirit as well and helps unify. The classes are not funded excessively so a lot of the time either their resources are limited or they go out and raise money for the program. It's easy for some one who isn't in school to give their opinion about what should occur since they are not directly impacted by it

what art? 1

1) The mood is serious. One model is staring off into her left and the other has her head pointed up and is staring down at the camera. Their posture is tense. The top one has her arms by her side while the other one looks like she might have them held in front of her. 2) They use the technique of brush strokes that are very visible. These images look like they were created with oil paints. 3) The colors in the first contrast themselves. Blue means calm and serenity while the red means anger and passion. Her posture matches the red and is a good contrast with the blue. It is pleasing to look at. The other image has a red background which matches better with her posture. The color goes well with it. 4) The author was trying to convey a sense individuality and defiance. When I see these pictures I get a sense of a portrait. If that was the case, the message was transmitted and I think it is expressed when you see the pictures.







