letter to past

Dear Past Me,

To be a successful in the Creative photography class you need to be essential that: creative. This shouldn't be a problem however since I recall as a child I was very creative. You need to look outside the box and do things outside of the norm, don't be mainstream. Remember your first idea is probably a lot of other people's first ideas too so I wouldn't recommend doing that. You need to take multiple shots at multiple angles. Try adjusting the lighting maybe. You should always give 100% of your effort and really give it your all. You should look at this class as an opportunity to learn and expand your skills instead of a class where you can turn in assignments that show no effort and pass. So far my favorite image I've done would probably have to be my restoration picture. I'm not finished with it, I'm about 3/4 done. It's incredible how you can take an old, stained, black and white photo and turn it into something vibrant and full of life. I started by balancing the colors on the image with the black and white so it wouldn't look so yellow than I began adding color with the overlay filer. I plan to give the colored photo to abuelita this summer. A tip you should ALWAYS remember: save the colors you are using by making them a swatch! Believe me it is hard to find the same shade again, also save your selections and save the changes you make every couple of minutes (I learned that one the hard way). Put in effort and go above and beyond if you want to. Just remember to work hard and you will for sure love the class!
                                                                                                                Yours Truly,
                                                                                                                                Future You


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