the importance of art

I think tax dollars should be used on art and theater classes in school. School already as it is stressful and being honest not very pleasant to attend. I think these classes are a nice break between your stressful core classes if one chooses to take them, because not everyone does. Creative classes are a great way to express yourself and a lot of people discover their talent in these classes and turn it into careers. 

School already teaches us the classes we need for life so if it was just those classes our life would consist of preparing you for the work force and them working until you can't because of old age. The classes do a lot for the school in regards to school spirit as well and helps unify. The classes are not funded excessively so a lot of the time either their resources are limited or they go out and raise money for the program. It's easy for some one who isn't in school to give their opinion about what should occur since they are not directly impacted by it. Also, the skills used in creative classes are used in core classes so they are kind of inter-related. These skills are essential to the work force.

Creative classes help to form friendships and people who are interested in the classes get to do a lot of really cool things and help the school's image in a positive way. Tax dollars are being used on a lot of other really unnecessary things or things I don't agree with if I'm being honest so they might as well be used on something that will benefit the youth.


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