what art? 1

1) The mood is serious. One model is staring off into her left and the other has her head pointed up and is staring down at the camera. Their posture is tense. The top one has her arms by her side while the other one looks like she might have them held in front of her.

2) They use the technique of brush strokes that are very visible. These images look like they were created with oil paints.

3) The colors in the first contrast themselves. Blue means calm and serenity while the red means anger and passion. Her posture matches the red and is a good contrast with the blue. It is pleasing to look at. The other image has a red background which matches better with her posture. The color goes well with it.

4) The author was trying to convey a sense individuality and defiance. When I see these pictures I get a sense of a portrait. If that was the case, the message was transmitted and I think it is expressed when you see the pictures.


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