the last girl response

The painting is of a little girl with big, round, greenish-blueish eyes. She is white complected with pinkish lips and she almost is pouting but not quite. Her hair is light brown with blond streaks and she is staring out at us. Her eyebrows are light brown and separated at the center. The image is huge and painted on the side of a building. There are men standing at the base of the building next to a blue van. The painting looks like it was painted in a neighborhood that has graffiti on the sides of buildings. The image is split. You can tell because there is crinkling by both the outer corners of her eyes. The meaning changes because the man is no longer part of the picture. We have a title which we can assume is describing the picture. The girl looks serious and alert with a hint of melancholy. It looks like it is located in the rural areas of town that are abandoned, by the docks. The targeted audience would be those living in the poorer parts of town. I get the feeling it is trying to send the message of how girls are being stripped away of their childhood at a young age and forced to obey to what is expected of them, particularly in poor areas with high crime. They become exposed to the dangers of the real world.


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