semester reflection

The quality of my work is good. I use proper format and like to edit my image to make my subject stand out. I like to blur the backgrounds and take out the color to make them black and white. I have turned in my work to meet the deadlines and always trying to avoid the mainstream ideas. My pictures are in focus, especially on the targeted subject but I will sometimes blur backgrounds to make them stand out or take out the saturation. My work goes along with what we are supposed to be focusing on and like to add my own twist t thinks like the spaceship project. In the drivers seat of the plane is my dog.

I like to put in effort in to my work. My work reflects the amount of effort I put into it. I will shoot more than is required if I feel it is necessary. I don't always immediately go to the most convenient solution and won't avoid things if they are difficult although I don't enjoy it. I don't give up if a shoot doesn't turn out good, I will just take more until I get what I want. I put in effort for my photography. I plan things before I do them so I have an idea as to what I wan to do.  I always have a positive attitude toward my classmates work because I know how hard some of the work can be. I am always on time to class and work independently.  I like to stay more in my comfort zone if I'm being honest and could probably take more risk. I am always proud of the work I present even though sometimes it is not what I expected the outcome to be.  I don't give up even if I am frustrated with projects, like when I had no idea as to how i could transform my remote control into a spaceship.

I am always on time to class and If I have work that needs to be completed I work through the class period especially if I know what I want to do with my image. I probably could use my time better in class however when I am done with projects. If I get done with my work early than I like to either read or be on my phone and I could use that time to experiment on Photoshop.For the most part I work through the class since I don't like to rush through my work. I work independently in order to create my own ideas. I think I am productive in class and stay on task.

 I could improve in becoming more unique and taking more risks when it comes to pictures. I could think more outside the box. I can experiment more with Photoshop and have a different approach on taking pictures. I probably could have stronger concepts and definitely more confidence in what I do and what I produce.

I am going to manage time better. I plan to start projects when they are assigned so I have more time to work on them. I am going to be more confident and try experimenting with more Photoshop tools.  I could also probably go further than what is asked.

I found the idea on:

The idea is to take an image of smoke and rearrange it to look like a figure, their example was of a woman dancing. I though it looked really cool and challenging. It could be fun and definitely creative.


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